Werehouse 2014-06-20T16:12:00-04:00 Werehouse 2014-06-20T16:12:00-04:00 2014-06-20T16:12:00-04:00 L'Abominable Charles Christopher T.02 Books Karl Kerschl

Vendor: Karl Kerschl
Type: Books
Price: 20.00 - 35.00 (2 variants)

Story : Retrouvez l’attachant Charles Christopher dans la suite de ses aventures! En plus des multiples habitants de la Forêt des Cèdres, vous ferez la rencontre d’un tout nouveau personnage, Gilgamesh, qui affrontera Charles dans un combat à l’issue plutôt surprenante.

Format : 7.5" x 10" spot varnish hardcover.

Pages : 124

Interior : Black, white and green 

Quote : "Karl n'a que faire de ces conventions, son dessin est charnu, réaliste et réussit à rester en parfaite adéquation avec la simplicité de ses histoires."

- Régis Loisel

Awards : Nominated for the Bédélys Québec 2014


French Books Karl Kerschl Éditions Lounak Regular edition 20.00 649 Sketch edition 35.00 649 2014-06-20T16:12:00-04:00 2014-06-20T16:12:00-04:00 L'Abominable Charles Christopher T.01 Books Karl Kerschl

Vendor: Karl Kerschl
Type: Books
Price: 20.00 - 35.00 (2 variants)

StoryCharles Christopher, un drôle de yéti, atterrit dans une mystérieuse forêt habitée par des animaux plutôt loquaces. À travers le quotidien de ses habitants, il tente de comprendre la raison de sa présence et de son étrange connexion avec la forêt.

Format : 7.5" x 10" spot varnish hardcover. Comes with an exclusive book plate.

Pages : 124

Interior : Black, white and green 

Quote : "Karl n'a que faire de ces conventions, son dessin est charnu, réaliste et réussit à rester en parfaite adéquation avec la simplicité de ses histoires."

- Régis Loisel

Awards : Nominated for the Bédélys Québec 2013


French Books Karl Kerschl Éditions Lounak Regular edition 20.00 650 Sketch edition 35.00 650 2014-06-20T13:04:00-04:00 2014-06-20T13:04:00-04:00 The Abominable Charles Christopher vol.2 - Hardcover Books Karl Kerschl

Vendor: Karl Kerschl
Type: Books
Price: 20.00

StoryFollow the adventures of the lovable and dim-witted Charles Christopher as he ventures out of the Cedar Forest in search of his past.

Format : 7.5" x 10" faux suede hardcover edition

Pages : 135

Interior : Black, white and green 

Quote : "The Abominable Charles Christopher is pure comics magic. It somehow manages to be whimsical, sad and human all at once. Kerschl's cartooning is elegant and gorgeous. This is a beautiful book!"

- Jeff Lemire

Awards : Shuster Award 2010 for Best Webcomic, Eisner Award for Best Digital Comic 2011


English Books Karl Kerschl Regular edition 20.00 650 2014-06-19T15:24:00-04:00 2014-06-19T15:24:00-04:00 The Abominable Charles Christopher vol.2 - Softcover Books Karl Kerschl

Vendor: Karl Kerschl
Type: Books
Price: 10.00

StoryFollow the adventures of the lovable and dim-witted Charles Christopher as he ventures out of the Cedar Forest in search of his past.

Format : 7.5" x 10" softcover edition with spot varnish 

Pages : 125

Interior : Black, white and green 

Quote : "Tales with animal characters have a way of exploring humanity better than those with upright homo sapiens. Karl Kerschl's stories of a simple yeti and the animal inhabitants of his wooded home raise not only the bar for storytelling in comics, but also for animal stories previously told by Mr. Kipling, Mr. Grahame, & even old Aesop himself. "

- David Petersen, Mouse Guard

Awards : Shuster Award 2010 for Best Webcomic, Eisner Award for Best Digital Comic 2011


English Books Karl Kerschl Regular edition 10.00 ACC02-WS 470 2014-06-10T10:32:00-04:00 2014-06-10T10:32:00-04:00 The Abominable Charles Christopher vol.1 - Softcover Books Karl Kerschl

Vendor: Karl Kerschl
Type: Books
Price: 10.00

StoryFollow the adventures of the lovable and dim-witted Charles Christopher as he ventures out of the Cedar Forest in search of his past.

Format : 7.5" x 10" softcover edition with spot varnish 

Pages : 124

Interior : Black, white and green 

Quote : "I'm not sure of the best way to describe The Abominable Charles Christopher. To say it's like an unholy mash-up of Walt Kelly, Jeff Smith and Sumerian Mythology is true, but it misses the point completely. It is its own thing, and it does what comics do best: make a world and draw you into it."

- Neil Gaiman

Awards : Shuster Award 2010 for Best Webcomic, Eisner Award for Best Digital Comic 2011


English Books Karl Kerschl Regular edition 10.00 470